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Create the Perfect No Fly Zone


Eradicate insects and flies from your venue to maintain a hygienic and safe environment. We've put together 3 simple and easy-to-follow steps to help in the battle against flying pests this summer.


Preventing any kind of pest infestation is much easier and cheaper than getting rid of an existing one. As well as being ideal for catching and killing pests, electric fly killers can be used as an early warning system. When monitored on a regular basis, the catchment trays on both fly zappers and glue boards give an indication to the extent of an infestation. If you find the number of pests in your trays increasing, it may well be a sign of an increasing pest problem. 

Quick tip: Flies avoid smoke as much as possible, so consider using candles on outdoor dining tables to help your guests enjoy a pleasant, pest free dining experience.


The warmer weather during summer is a prime time of year for flies and other troublesome pests, so it will pay to be extra vigilant around this time. Reducing their access to food (including waste) is the best way to ensure flies are kept to a minimum around your dining and food preparation areas.

The life span of a fly is just 30 days long, in which a female fly can lay up to 600 eggs, making a small problem escalate extremely quickly. Flies will look to lay their eggs in areas that are close to food and moisture – from bins to blocked drain pipes. With such a range of areas for flies to breed, locate any areas of vulnerability in and around your establishment and take measures to reduce their appeal to flies. An easy first step is to invest in bins with tight-closing lids.

Did you know? A single bin can become a breeding ground for up to 30,000 flies if not emptied regularly!

Take Action

Once you've located likely and/or existing breeding areas, it’s time to take the fight to the fly! Filling cracks in walls, clearing and repairing drain pipes and gutters, reducing the amount of waste on-site and allocating more time to cleaning are all easy and effective ways of thwarting any chance of a fly infestation. Many local authorities will offer additional rubbish pick-ups; this is a great way to ensure food waste is kept to a minimum in and around your kitchens. You can also make take internal measures by adding fly door screens. These handy devices are easily attached to door frames to prevent flies from entering certain areas, such as dining rooms or food storage areas.

Prepare your venue this summer with free delivery on all orders over €80 at Nisbets.ie.